1st Eastern Africa agroecology confrence

Guidelines for Organizers of Side Events

Guidelines for Organizers of Side Events

Side events organized within the sidelines of the official sessions of the 1st Eastern Africa Agroecology Conference (EAAC) will provide opportunity for participants to exchange information and experiences on diverse issues related to the objectives of the Conference. The 1st EAAC with the theme “Strengthening Resilience and Sustainability in Food Systems for Environmental and Socio-Economic Development in Eastern Africa”, will be held from 21st – 24th March 2023 in Safari Park Hotel, Nairobi, Kenya. The conference will be a hybrid event comprising physical and virtual attendanc

The conference aims to invoke consciousness and motivate national, regional, and continental institutions to invest in interventions that will transform the current food production systems and take deliberate measures towards more sustainable and environmentally friendly solutions with long-term vision and planning. The conference so far has attracted interest from various organizations and donor agencies given the growing interest in agroecology focus more on sustainable agriculture and food systems globally.

General guidelines for organizers of side events

  1. All  application  for side events during the 1st EAAC should be submitted to the Secretariat of the Conference Organizing Committee through the conference registration platform https://eaac2023.exordo.com/  by 20 February 2023. Only applications received by this date will be considered
  2. click here to for steps on how to submit your application
  3. The Secretariat will make every effort to accommodate all applications. However, due to the high level of applications expected for side events, it might not be possible to allocate placements for all applications.
  4. All applications will be reviewed by the EAAC Secretariat (Biovision Africa Trust, BvAT) and information on the allocated dates for side events will be communicated to applicants and posted at the conference’s website by 20 February 202
  5. There is a fee of US$3000 for each side event, which is to be paid as soon as the side event is confirmed and so notified by the Secretariat to the 1st EAAC.
  6. All side event organizers and attendees must have registered for the conference. Kindly register via our website portal: https://ea-agroecologyconference.org/
  7. All other charges (apart from room and hybrid support systems) related to the side event will be covered by the organizer of the side event.
  8. The proposed side event should be directly related to the goals and objectives of the 1st EAAC and should reflect an approach towards food systems transformation.

  9. Effort should be made to align the proposed event with the main thrust of the agenda of the 1st EAAC, being ‘Strengthening Resilience and Sustainability in Food Systems for Environmental and Socio-Economic Development in Eastern Africa’. The side event therefore should make a potential contribution to conference outcome

  10. Side event proposals that involve collaborative partnering by several organizing partners (jointly organized by two or more entities) are particularly encouraged to accommodate as many requests of side events as possible.

  11. The organizers of the side events should be registered delegates participating at the official sessions of 1st EAAC. One of the co-organizers of the proposed side event should be designated as a lead organizer. A co-organizer cannot be designated as a lead organizer of more than one side event.

  12. The EAAC Secretariat will prepare a comprehensive programme of side events and daily updates to be posted on the 1st EAAC website https://ea-agroecologyconference.org. Publicizing a side event isthe responsibility of its organizers. The EAAC Secretariat will not produce fliers, distribute notices, or run other publicity efforts for side events. Organizers are encouraged to refrain or extremely limit the amount of information materials including flyers, brochures, and publications.

  13. Side events are open to all registered participants to the 1st EAAC. Organizers of closed events or invitation only events aiming for an exclusive audience are advised to obtain alternative locations.

  14. As per general practice, no event can be organized during the official meetings of the Conference.

  15. The EAAC Secretariat will allocate a side event room in a strategic location, however, the venue of the side event may have changed at the last minute if there is good reason to do so and commination done to the organizers immediately.

  16. The secretariat is responsible only for room allocation. Time slots and rooms will be accommodated according to availability on a first-come, first-served basis and within the conference program.

  17. Standard equipment (i.e. sound system, one table microphone for each two delegates and fixed projection facilities) will be provided in the side events meeting rooms.

  18. Side event participants will enter side event rooms on a first come, first served basis. It will not be possible to have more people in the room than available room seating capacity.

  19. Displays and exhibitions can only be organized through the EAAC Secretariat. Side event organizers are advised not to set up displays or put-up posters on meeting room walls during a side event or at any other time during the meeting to avoid removal and loss of their materials.

Submission of Proposals for Side Events
Requests to hold side events at the 1st EAAC should be submitted by 20th February 2023. Organizations, agencies, and networks interested in organizing a side event during the EAAC must submit a proposal using the Application Form for Side Events accessed via this link https://eaac2023.exordo.com/. The application should include a detailed description of the proposed event, including its theme focus, speakers/presenters, and its potential contribution to the 1st EAAC  

Side event goes for $3000 dollars. 

Click here for step to step instruction on how to submit you application

Note: Only submissions received before the 20th February 2023 will be considered. For more information on side events, please contact: The EAAC Secretariat Email: info@ea-agroecologyconference.org , Tel: +254 721 766 628.

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