1st Eastern Africa agroecology conference

First Eastern Africa Agroecology Conference Registration


The Conference Organizing Committee (COC) of the 1st Eastern Africa Agroecology Conference to be held from 21st to 24th March 2023  in Nairobi, Kenya wishes to invite all delegates who want to attend the conference to register for participation

Conference Title: 1st Eastern Africa Agroecology Conference: Transforming Food Systems for Responsible Production, Consumption and Social wellbeing.
Conference Theme: Strengthening Resilience and Sustainability in Food Systems for Environmental and Socioeconomic Development

The conference will be a hybrid event consisting of the following:

  1. Preconference meetings(physical and webinars)
  2. Main conference (2 days hybrid), consisting of:
    √ Plenary sessions on food system transformation topics, with inspiring keynote presentations and panel discussions involving key stakeholders
    √  Break-out sessions along conference tracks with interactive formats (short presentations, panel discussions, fish-bowl discussions, World Cafés).
  3. Field excursions to actors of agroecological value chains

Benefits of registering as a delegate

  1. Attendance to all conference proceedings
  2. Conference communication materials ( programmes, conference book of abstracts, conference bag)
Check out the registration fees  below 
Delegate type Prices(dollars) Early BirdPrice(dollars)
Participants attending physical conference
Participants attending virtually

NOTE: We are offering early bird prices to the normal delegates who will register before 30th January 2023 

Would you like to sponsor the conference?

If you wish to sponsor the conference, you can do so through the following ways:

Delegate type Prices(dollars)
Bronze Category

  • Receive visibility through the conference by having their logos displayed in the event.
    Silver Category

    • Receive visibility through the conference by having their logos displayed in the event.
    • Will be allocated as speakers, presenters and moderators
    • Acknowldegement in the conferenced proceedings
      Gold Category

      • Receive visibility through the conference by having their logos displayed in the event.
      • Will be allocated as speakers, presenters and moderators
      • Will be allocated side events to manage
      • Acknowldegement in the conferenced proceedings

        NOTE: Any amount of support to the meeting will be most welcome.

        Would you like to sponsor a Farmer or Student to attend the conference?

        Delegate type Prices(dollars)
        Sponsor groups of 20 farmer/students
        Sponsor groups of 50 farmer/students
        Sponsor groups of 100 farmer/students
        Sponsor groups of 200 farmer/students

        Would you like to visit farmers and other value chain actors undertaking agroecology work?

        Participation in the field excursion will cost and additional $50 USD per participant.

        Participant Refund Policy

        Please note:

        • Conference registration may be canceled with full refund (less a $50 processing fee) provided written notification is received any time up until four (4) weeks prior to the conference start date.
        • A 50% refund is available for conference registration and/or workshop registration provided written notification is received between four (4) weeks and two (2)weeks prior to the conference start date.
        • No refunds will be granted within two (2) weeks of the conference start date. In the case of an emergency/extenuating circumstances, special requests may be considered on a case-by-case basis by the regional leadership team following the conference.
        • All fees for special events are non-refundable.
        • Refund requests should be submitted in writing to:
        The Conference Organizing Committee,
        Biovision Africa Trust c/o icipe, P.O. Box 30772, 00100
        Duduville Kasarani, off Thika Superhighway, Nairobi, Kenya


        Download the printable version here

        How to register

        To register for the conference click the button below. and follow the step by step guide listed in the this article. How to register


        ©2022. EA-agroecology Conference. All Rights Reserved.