Policies, legislations, and institutional arrangements are key enablers of food systems transformation. Convening multiple stakeholders vertically (across national and subnational stakeholders) and horizontally (across sectors) is increasingly becoming recognized as a critical enabler of food systems transformation. ISFAA is a key partner supporting the convening of stakeholders to facilitate knowledge sharing and policy influencing on agroecology, agrobiodiversity, and other nature-based solutions in Kenya and beyond. Since its inception, the model and experience gathered by ISFAA is immense, with countries like Uganda and subnational governments (counties) in Kenya reaching out to learn on ISFAA working models. The East Africa Agroecology conference is one chance that ISFAA could utilize to share ongoing processes and achievements in developing or reviewing agroecology policies and legislations, and convening multiple stakeholders to actively engage in such processes, especially on aspects of policy development and influencing, subnational engagements and knowledge dissemination.
ISFAA is part of the conference organizing committee (COC) for the 1st East Africa Agroecology Conference scheduled for March 21 – 24, 2023 at Safari Park Hotel, Nairobi. ISFAA is also moderating sub-theme 5 on Institutional and policy drivers for agroecology transformations at the conference. The conference therefore provides very good platform for ISFAA to organize a robust discussion and exchange on ongoing initiatives, multi-stakeholder convenings, and lessons learnt on setting up enabling policy, legislative, and institutional frameworks for upscaling and outscaling agroecology. ISFAA is therefore proposing to organize a side event at the conference and is seeking your support to realize the side event.
Outcome: Report and policy brief on emerging policy, legislative, and institutional frameworks, and multistakeholder configurations and engagement in agroecology and food transformation processes in Eastern Africa
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