How to Register an pay for exhibitions.

This article contains step by step guide on how to complete your registration and payment for the 1st Eastern Africa agroecology conference. 


The first step, Create an account with the Ex Ordo system.  Enter your email address, your first and last name as well as a good password you can remember.

Click create account, to open your dashboard.

Your Dashboard

Find your Registration card Once registration is live you will see a Register card prompt on your dashboard. Clicking on Register button will take you to the conference registration form. 


Follow Register now prompt
Step 1)Guide for Delegates

Guide for delegates is the first step in the process. Here you will see some conference details, terms and conditions or any other important information related with the conference such as the registration fees. Make sure you read the guidelines carefully
After reading the guidelines click Next to select your registration fee.  Click Next to select your registration fee.
For more information on the registration fees click here conference Registration

Step 2) Registration fee

In this option, select Exhibition1($500).  

NB if you have applied for more than one exhibition, (exhibition 2,3,4,5) will be selected in the social events tab. 

When you’re done, move to the next step.Go To The Next Step.

Step 3) Workshops

This section is optional at the same time it is free, you can only select if you will be attending the workshop otherwise click next and leave it like that 

Once done click next  Go To The Next Step.

Step 4) Social Events & Exhibitions 

In this section, Fill in the questions listed for exhibitors and if you had applied for more than one exhibition ,  go ahead and select the other exhibitions that apply so that they can billed together. 

NB kindly note that you have already selected your first exhibition. 

  • If you have applied for 2 exhibitions select exhibition 2  but also make sure at the registration section you have selected exhibition 1.
  • If you have applied for 3 exhibitions select exhibition 3  but also make sure at the registration section you have selected exhibition 1.
  • If you have applied for 4 exhibitions select exhibition 4  but also make sure at the registration section you have selected exhibition 1.
  • If you have applied for 5 exhibitions select exhibition 5  but also make sure at the registration section you have selected exhibition 1.

Once you are done go ahead and finalize your registration and check out.

5) additional information(optional)

In this step, you are required to add any specific information that you would like us to know about you. For example, if you have any dietary needs.

6) Billing address

This step is a default step of any registration process. You’ll have to add your Billing address and details that will appear on your registration Invoice.
After filling in your information  click next

7) Check out

In this step you will see list of all the services you’ve selected and the total amount due at the bottom of the page. If you would like to edit your registration you can always go back to any of the steps and make the change. 

Once you are happy with every thing you can now proceed to checkout by selecting your mode of payment.

On the checkout step you need to select your payment type(Using PayPal or Bank Transfer). Conference can collect credit card payments, bank transfers or both as shown on the top of the image below.


Payment Using PayPal

To pay using PayPal click the PayPal checkout button,  it will prompt you to login to your paypal account where you will proceed to finish your payments see the screenshot. When you complete your payments you will receive an email detailling your payments. 

And the status of your registration will be updated to paid in our platform.

Payment using Bank Transfer / Mpesa

If you do not have a paypal account you can still make your payments by using the Bank transfer option. Click the Pay later by bank transfer button then click Yes, agree to pay  on the next prompt.
After this you will receive an email containing the bank details to which you will use to make your payments.  see the screenshot. 

If you wish to use Mpesa, the same email with bank details will also have alternative mpesa details(LIPA NA MPESA)  which you Can use.  see the screenshot.

NOTE: The conversion rate to kenyan shilling will change every month based on the global market rates.

Once we receive your payments, we will update your registration status to paid and you will be notified via the email. we will also send you an invoice which you can download.

NOTE: You can still go back and edit your registration if you wish before you make your payments.

You can also find a downloadable pdf version


For more information click hereso


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