1st Eastern Africa agroecology confrence

Call for Abstracts

Call for Abstracts for papers, posters and exhibitions


The Conference Organizing Committee of the 1st Eastern Africa Agroecology Conference to be held from 21st – 24th March 2023 invites calls for abstracts for papers, posters and exhibitions from interested researchers and practitioners. The full title of the conference and theme are as indicated below.

Conference Title: 1st Eastern Africa Agroecology Conference: Transforming Food Systems for Responsible Production, Consumption and Social wellbeing.
Conference Theme: Strengthening Resilience and Sustainability in Food Systems for Environmental and Socioeconomic Development

Sub themes:

  1. Production, productivity, and sustainability of agroecological systems
  2. Scaling up agroecology best practices for food security, nutrition, and health
  3. Ecological organic trade, markets, and economy
  4. Institutional and policy drivers for agroecological transformations
  5. Financing agroecological transformations
  6. Women and Youth in Agroecology

Types of Abstracts for papers, posters and exhibitions
The conference will be hybrid to provide an opportunity for researchers and academia to present their work and for farmers, practitioners and policymakers to share their experiences and/or advocate for certain interventions and pathways. The conference will therefore accept abstracts and posters within the following categories:

  • Traditional academic/research abstracts,
  • Practitioners’ views and experiences
  • Policy briefs.
  • Creative arts (spoken word, animations, music, graffiti, dance, paintings etc.)
  • Exhibitions and side-events

Abstract submissions should be structured as follows:

For Papers and Posters

  • Introduction
  • Significance (of the research or issue)
  • Methodology/approach (used to gather the data or information)
  • Results (key findings or experiences)
  • Conclusion (final verdict and recommendations)
  • Abstracts: Number of words: 500.
  • Full Papers: Number of words: 7000-8000, Font: Times New Roman, Size:12, spacing 1.5


For Exhibitions and Side Events

  • Any individual or organization interested in participating in the conference through exhibition or side event must submit a proposal including detailed description of the proposed exhibition or side event, including an explanation of how its thematic focus relates to the conference theme “Strengthening Resilience and Sustainability in Food Systems for Environmental and Socioeconomic Development”, and the six sub-themes of the conference.
  • Kindly attach detailed description of the exhibition or side event, including all organizing partners, elements of the exhibition/side event, dimensions and the thematic focus.

Submission deadline:

  1. Sending out a call for abstracts: 1st December 2022
  2. Deadline for abstract submission: 30th January 2023
  3. Communication to accepted abstracts and call for full papers: 6th February 2023
  4. Receipt of full revised abstract: 9th February 2023
  5. Receipt of full papers: 23rd February 2023
  6. Review of full papers/presentations: 10th March 2023
  7. Corrections and submissions: 17th March 2023
  8. Publication of final conference program: 15th March 2023
  9. Publication of conference abstracts: 28th February 2023

Click here to download pdf version

To submit your abstracts click the call for abstract button below. 

For instructions on how to set up your account and submit your abstract in exordo platform. check out this article   How to submit an abstract

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