
Keynote Speaker


Sub-theme 1: Production, productivity, scaling up and sustainability of farming systems based on environmentally friendly technologies and methodologies.

Pathways to Food Systems Transformation Towards Resilience and Sustainability in Africa Dr. Hans Herren, President Millennium Institute & Biovision Foundation

Scaling up Agroecology initiatives: Lessons Learnt, Successes, Aspirations, Opportunities 

Dr. Emma Siliprandi Agricultural Officer-Plant Production and Protection Division (NSP), FAO

Sub-theme 2: Best practices towards food security, nutrition, consumption, and health: Soil health and farmer managed seed systems.

Research, Development and Scaling up of Agroecological Innovations: The Case of Push-Pull Technology in Africa - Prof. Zeyaur Khan- Thomas Odhiambo Distinguished Research Fellow, Leader, Push-Pull Programme, International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology

Demystifying the Myth: Can Organic Agriculture Feed the World?

Dr. Noah Adamtey, Senior Research Scientist in the Department of International Cooperation at the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture in Switzerland

Sub-theme 3: Women and Youth in Agroecology

Role of Farmers’ Movements in Promoting Agroecology in Africa Shamika Mone,

President of INOFO

Strengthening Organic Trade in Africa – Bert-Jan Ottens, Owner & Senior Adviser, ProFound - Advisers in Development, Den Haag, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands


Keynote Speaker


Sub-theme 4: Ecological organic trade, markets, and economy.

Why social movements are crucial to the agroecological transition - Dr Million Belay - General Coordinator, Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA) 

The Agroecology Coalition: an opportunity to accelerate the necessary food system transformation:-Emile Frison, Interim Coordinators, Agroecology Coalition

Sub-theme 5: Institutional and policy drivers for agroecological transformations

Policy Developments towards Mainstreaming Ecological Organic Agriculture into CAADP and their Implications: Dr. Godfrey Bahiigwa, Director, Department of Agriculture, Rural Development, Blue Economy, and Sustainable Environment (DARBE), African Union Commission (AUC)

Can farmer- centered research drive food systems transformation? - Dr. Sara Namirembe - McKnight Collaborative Crop Research Program (CCRP) – East & Southern Africa (ESAf) Region 

Sub-theme 6: Financing agroecological transformations  

Financing Food Systems for Environmental and Socio-Economic Development in Africa – Dr. Frank Eyhorn, CEO Biovision Foundatio

Financing Agroecology in Eastern Africa: Emerging Opportunities and Aspirations-Daniel Moss, Co-Director Agroecology Fund

Click here to find the whole programme

Milka Chepkorir
Dr. Hans Herren
Dr. Emma Siliprandi
Prof. Zeyaur Khan
Dr. Million Belay
Shamika Mone
Diana Akullo Ogwal
Daniel Moss
Frank Eyhorn